Sweating for our children

The first meeting of the South West Enfield Action Team (or SWEAT) took place on Tuesday 25th June at my home. I met the other members of our newly formed group who are prepared to give up their free time and campaign for an issue that is so important to every parent, the education of our children.

In the Fox Lane area there are insufficient local school places and many of the parents are forced to transport their children to schools across the borough or have to resort to private education.

The Department for Education says that “They aim to give you a good choice of local school” however this is not the case where I live. Enfield Council are fulfilling their statutory duty in providing school places, but the borough is a big place and lots of school places in the east of the borough will be of no use to us in the south west. My local community school is 1/2 mile away, a nice walk to a nice school for my children? As things stand they will have no chance of getting into that school.

We are “sweating for our children” so that we can make a difference, so that we can send our children to the local school, so that our children can walk to and from school and so we can improve our community by making sure there are adequate services to support that community, services that we already pay for.